Wednesday 14 September 2016

My Perfect Sunday Night

Since I was younger, I've loved Sunday evenings. I loved the idea of completely getting yourself up ready for the week ahead, be it getting your school uniform ready, washing your hair, whatever. I just loved it, and growing up, it has stuck. The idea of just ending one week and starting another a fresh is lovely to me, and if I'm out Sunday evening, I don't feel like I get that refreshed feeling on a Monday!
Here are some things that I like to do on a Sunday evening that just makes me Monday Morning ready.

Tidy Your Room
I always talk about how a tidy room is an instant mood lifter, but seriously, if you wake up on a Monday and can't find anything for your day, you're not gonna be happy. A tidy room, a tidy mind! Also, fresh sheets. Seriously. Do it.

Have a Pamper
I like to have a lovely bath and just lie back. I get bored though so I like to watch YouTube videos in the bath, it's nice to just zone out and watch some vlogs. Sundays are the days that the Michalaks upload their vlog, so I love watching them!

Watch a Film
Your weekend isn't officially over until Monday, so I like to lounge around and watch a film. The jobs I need to do can wait until the morning! Do something that is considered "lazy" on a weekday, but acceptable on the weekend!

Have Good Food
Me and my family all have a nice night in and we watch some trashy TV or film, and eat. Usually it's an Indian takeaway. I know, very nutritious, but I feel like you can eat loads of nice foods on a Sunday before you try and be healthy for a new week.

Plan Your Week
I don't know about you, but I'm the worst for liking to look forward to things. So on a Sunday night, I write in Sprinkle of Glitter's 2016 diary, all the things I'm doing and check when I'm free to do some fun things. Always good to have a work/play balance.

I'm a very much "Tomorrow is a new day" kind of girl. So fresh weeks just make it even better!

Monday 12 September 2016

Part 1: My Makeup Palette Collection 2016!

I realised I never ever say hello in my blog posts, how rude of me, I apologise. Anyway, I digress.

I'm a makeup addict. There, I said it. 

I buy makeup all the time and what is the point when I only have one face? But that's not the point of this post. This post is about my palettes. Quick note, I'm half way through this and I feel like I'm going to have to make another post because I have that many palettes. Great!
I'm going to do a separate post on my custom made palettes, but these are my actual set shade palettes. Let's start with my favourite.

Urban Decay Naked 
This is the original one, and my favourite one. It comes with twelve shades, ten shimmers and two mattes and they're all warm toned. I think this is a perfect all rounder eyeshadow palette as it was my first palette!

Urban Decay Naked 2
I do love this one, I did originally buy it for my sister for Christmas but I heard her say she wouldn't wear them so I kept it for myself. It's more of a cool toned palette compared to the original, but I love this one for nights out.

Urban Decay Naked Smoky 
I'm annoyed at myself that I don't get enough wear out of this, but I think with Christmas season soon approaching (YAS) that I will be reaching for this. A perfect mix of eight shimmers and four mattes. If you're extravagant go for this!

Urban Decay Naked On The Run
If you've never tried Urban Decay, get this. It comes with the Perversion mascara, the 24/7 glide on eye pencil in Smokeout, the ultra nourishing lipgloss in Sesso, five eyeshadows, a bronzer and blusher. Gloriously worth it!

Urban Decay Naked 2 Basics 
I like this palette, I don't love it. It's six matte shades and they're alright you know. I'm tempted to get rid of it but I feel like I'd miss it as soon as I'd get rid of it!

Urban Decay Naked Flushed in "Native"
Love the highlight, not so keen on the blush, quite like the bronzer. Not gonna lie, I kept it for the highlight. Highlight life.

I apologise if I sound a bit "weeeee" in this post. I'm really tired, goodnight! :) 

Sunday 4 September 2016

Learning to Drive: My Tips

If you have been a reader of my blog before, I have mentioned about my experience with driving. It took me three times to pass my driving practical test and I did it first time for my theory. If you're like I was, and didn't really want to learn to drive and was scared as hell. Then I hope these helpful tips can encourage you to get behind the wheel.

1. Do it in Your Own Time
Please don't compare yourself to your friends, if you don't want to learn to drive as soon as you turn 17. Don't. If it takes your friend five months to learn and it takes you longer, don't worry. Every person passes at a different time and it takes different people different ways to get it right. It took me 15 months, it took a boy in my year, three months!

2. Concentrate
This is a given but seriously, if your instructor is explaining how to do something, put all your focus into that. Driving is expensive so make sure to put all your effort into it!

3. Practice makes Perfect
Don't get annoyed if you don't get something first time, just pick yourself back up and just do it again. Put all your attention into it and you'll nail that maneuver!

4. Don't get Disheartened 
If you fail first time, second time, however many times, please don't get disheartened. I failed my first test in September and didn't rebook my test or contact my instructor until January. But then when I failed my second test, that night I rebooked. Just stop sulking and do it, you can't change it so just sort it!

5. Think of the End Result
This applies to so many things and not just driving. But just think, once all your lessons are over, you can drive forever. Unless you're a naughty driver and you get your license taken off you, I suggest you don't do that.

I hope these little tips helped you think you can tackle the world of driving. I just want to add that I have only down one maneuver since passing my test, the turn in the road. You learn the majority of the rules of driving, once you're alone on the roads! Good luck kids!

Thursday 1 September 2016

Proud of Myself and Ready for a New Chapter

As I've mentioned before about this blog, I like to consider it like a diary. A place where I sometimes just write about what's currently happening in my life, with the odd "I love this lipstick post."

This is a life post.

In two and a half weeks, I will be starting a new chapter of my life. I will be starting University, studying in a brand new city. It's not far from my house, in fact I'll be half commuting. I said half, sometimes I'll be staying at my friend's house to save some money and time and living the freshers life. I'm a major home bird and living somewhere else completely is just not for me right now. I'm going to be studying a course that I've aspired to do for over five years now, and I can't waaaaait!

So that's Uni. 

I recently have been getting out of my comfort zone and just finding new things to do. I've been going out and walking places, playing Krazy Golf and even day drinking. Who'd have thought it? I'm a very mixed person. Sometimes I love adventure, sometimes I love comfort. And I'm definitely in the adventure stage now!

At the start of this year, I told myself to get out of my rut. I was doing the same thing I'd be doing since 2011, and I was bored, but unmotivated and scared to change. I didn't think I'd get to the point I am now, about to start university, been away from home for a week and after losing my grandad, I didn't think I'd get to that point ever.

I'm not quite sure what the intentions of this post was, I guess it was to prove that I can do this!!

Tuesday 2 August 2016

How to Get Through A Long Shift

I guarantee some people will have read the title wrong, haha! 
I work in a leisure centre, I work as a lifeguard/swimming teacher. That means I have to be on a hot poolside, sat by myself for a while watching people. I obviously don't just chill out but you get me. I also have to work in the bar sometimes when it can be extremely busy. I have to clean the changing rooms, fill the vending machines, clean up, set up parties, set up sporting activities. ETC. 

Drink Water
The temptation to drink fizzy drinks or coffee is real. I feel you. I worked a night shift, 10pm-6am and I had four cups of tea within like an hour, and I had a massive caffeine rush at 3am and had the shakes and I felt AWFUL. So just keep drinking that water, it'll keep you hydrated in a nice way.

Get a Good Night Sleep
Everyone laughs at me when I say I need a long night sleep, they think I'm like a puppy or baby or something. But if I have to get up at 5:30, I go to sleep at like half past 9/10. That gives me 8ish hours and I can focus a little more in the day. Believe me, there's nothing worse and getting in at like 12ish and being tipsy when you have to be in work at 6:15am... Trust.

Make a Good Lunch
There is nothing better than thinking "Yes, lunch break is in half an hour and I have the best food EVER." and then everyone else has food envy over your food. There is also nothing worse than thinking "Hm I mean it's alright.. oh my god your food looks incredible" and then watching someone devour their food in front of you. Honestly, sounds like a stupid idea but it works!!!

Have Something to Look Forward to
I always think it's something nice when you're sat in work bored to think "Aw well, i've got this later!" Even if it's just having a bath and some chocolate when you get home. always think of what you're going to do afterwards.

I've had this post in my drafts for so long to think of more tips but I just want to get this out there! Let me know if you want a part two. :)

Sunday 31 July 2016

What happens in Oxford, stays in Oxford?

This is an extremely personal post for me to upload, but I said that this blog is sort of like a diary for me, so here goes.

I had planned to go and see my friend, Rhiannon, for months. Actually, two years I had been trying to go but something always got in the way, so a couple of months ago I booked a weekend off work and my train tickets and just did it. Skip forward to Monday, and I felt like crap. The week hadn't started great, and it just didn't get better and it was Friday. I just pretty much led in bed all day, I felt ill and just not okay. This feeling had been known all too well for me as about five years ago I felt scared of doing specific things, until about six months ago. I hadn't had that feeling.
I couldn't sleep on Friday night, I was up at 3 and then 4 and 5 and then finally half past six when I had to get up to get ready for my train. The car journey was awful, my parents were telling me how much fun I would have and all I could think was "Am I going to faint as soon as I stand up?"
We pull up at the station and I fight back tears, why was I so upset?! I was only going for one night and I was going to see my extremely good friend! My mum told me to go and I got on the platform to be sat crying. I rang my friend Georg and just explained how scared I was, nonetheless, my parents were gone, my bags were packed and I got on the train.
It wasn't a bad journey, until I got off the train to have to run to a bus that was packed and I had to sit with a three old playing an app on a phone extremely loud and was basically led on me. The first couple of hours were fine, and then as I was walking down a street looking at my friend's university, I felt the feeling again.

I messaged my mum, and she said maybe I could come back in the night rather than the next morning. The idea was brilliant, and I looked at train times while my friend sat opposite me unaware. I felt awful and then we went to Wagamamas, which was the most claustrophobic thing ever. I didn't eat all my food and then we went to the cinema. Before the cinema, me and my mum had still been messaging loads and she told me she was going to come and get me. She made the two hour drive journey with my dad and she told me she was leaving. I had to tell my friend I was going to go home.
I was terrified, I waited until the end of the film and I was completely honest with her and said I just wasn't feeling okay. She was completely fine with it, and we found my mum and dad. I slept the whole way home and have been in bed since. It's 2:35pm. I should still be in Oxford, but I'm led here, eating humbugs feeling awful!

I have no idea why I'm sharing this, I just feel like if I write it down, it might clear my head.

I feel defeated, I feel like I'm an awful excuse for a twenty year old. My friends are gallivanting around the world and I can't even stay at my friend's house. I hope I leave this feeling behind soon, I'm going to have a bubble bath now and see if I'll feel better. 

Friday 29 July 2016

50 Questions You've Never Been Asked: Tag!

I mentioned before that I wanted to let you guys know more about me, so while I'm having a poorly day in bed, I figured I would do this tag!

1. What's your favourite candle scent? 
Fireside Treats by Yankee Candle <3

2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
Uhh either Khloe Kardashian or Sprinkle of Glitter, I feel like they'd be good at advice and look after me!

3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
This one is hard! Maybe Jay Z so Beyonce would be my sister in law?

4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
I want to be between 24-28.. that gives me 4-8 years, oh dear.

5. Do you know a hoarder?

6. Can you do a split?
No ahahahah

7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
Without stabilisers I think I was about 7 or 8!

8. How many oceans have you swam in?
I have no idea

9. How many countries have you been to?
A fair few!

10. Is anyone in your family in the army?
No but my uncles were in the Air Force and Marines!

11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
My favourite questions! Amelie, Belle, Mia or Evelyn!

12. What would you name your son if you had one?
Ellis, Max or Harri!

13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test?
U haha

14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
I loved Tweenies but when I grew up and was older, That's so Raven was the best.

15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
I was a witch for like 10 years straight

16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
Yeah! All Harry Potter and the Hunger Games! Half of the first Twilight 

17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
I love having a British accent, but there are so many!

18. Did your mother go to college?
No :)

19. Are your grandparents still married?
Yes, both sets are still married. My grandad passed away at the start of February, but in April it would've been their 70th anniversary. I don't know how long the others have been married..

20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?

21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
 Who doesn't?

22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to?
Probably Oakwood

23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
I'd love to be fluent in Welsh, French or Spanish!

24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?

25. Is your father bald?

26. Do you know triplets?
Yes, one of my best friends is a triplet!

27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?

28. Have you ever had Indian food?
I have

29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?

30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
Don't even know what it is

31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)?
I dont even know what that means

32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?

33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
DW, Williams, Wills

34. Who’s your favorite person in the world?
My dad or my grandad

35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?

36. Can you whistle?
Noooo :(

37. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
I used to until like two years ago, major fear!

38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
I try!

39. Do you take any pills or medication daily?
 I do

40. What medical conditions do you have?

41. How many times have you been to the hospital?
I lose count

42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?

43. Where do you buy your jeans?
River Island, Miss Selfridge, New Look, Primark

44. What’s the last compliment you got?
They said they liked my smile!

45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?

46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
English breakfast

47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
Like 30

48. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
I won't, they can choose as they grow up

49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?
7, I remember it well

50. Why do you have a tumblr?
I'm gonna switch this into "Why do you have a blog?" and that answer is because it's my hobby, i enjoy sharing my life and it's so nice to read back!