Thursday 1 January 2015

2014 in 194 Words and 11 Pictures

2014 was a whirlwind. I feel I have grown up a lot in the terms of leaving school and working fulltime. There is a massive pressure to go to Uni and to break the sort of, trend, i guess you'd call it, is a hard thing to do. Uni has meant four of my best friends actually moved away to Birmingham, Sheffield, Aberystwyth and London, which has been hard but I appreciate them a lot more now they've moved away. Work friends have been even closer and I have some of my best friends there, that I hope will stay friends forever. My family have been incredible, supporting me in my choices an always being there. My two best friends Georgia and Alice have been my rocks. I have managed to push myself to doing more things and my anxiety has definitely improved. I went on holiday without my parents! I unfortunately had a breakup in the middle of 2014 which effected me immensely, I still miss him a lot but that is expected and I'm glad we have come to talking terms. :)

Now enough with the soppy talk, and this is 2014 in pictures!

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