Thursday 14 May 2015


Waking up at 5:30am is a struggle. I have to get up at this time each week for my 6:15am starts so I thought I'd share my tips for what I do in the mean time.

1. Set an alarm prior to the time you have to get up. 
I have to get up at 5:35 at the latest, so what I do, is set my alarm for 5:23, that gives me some time to actually wake up and enjoy those precious moments in bed and that time to check instagram in the morning. When your actual alarm goes off, you're set! 

2. Eat your breakfast in bed.
Eating breakfast in bed is perfect, minus the crumbs. I get up and straight away go and get my breakfast, I like to have cereal in the morning for the energy fix I need. Then I can slide back into bed, eat my breakfast and I'm good to go. Another tip, if you're running particularly early, make a smoothie. Instant energy.

3. Don't muck around with skincare. 
Cleanse. Moisturize. Keep it simple! That's all your skin really needs after waking up anyway, plus you haven't got time for all that cleanse, tone, exfoliate, moisturize, eye cream etc in the morning!

4. Simple. Natural. 
I like to keep it super simple in the mornings. I will keep it to at least 7 products or less. No contour, no cut creases! I have a post coming up tomorrow maybe tonight about the makeup I use. 

5. Listen to your relaxing playlist.
There is nothing worse than getting into a stress as soon as you wake up, for you to be in a bad mood all day. Listen to slow songs, rather than upbeat Uptown Funk. I love The Fault In Our Stars soundtrack.

6. Get a drink. ASAP.
For me, I have this in work. I'll grab myself either a glass of water or a hot chocolate, something that's gonna help you to keep alive!

Early mornings suck. I know!

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