Wednesday 14 September 2016

My Perfect Sunday Night

Since I was younger, I've loved Sunday evenings. I loved the idea of completely getting yourself up ready for the week ahead, be it getting your school uniform ready, washing your hair, whatever. I just loved it, and growing up, it has stuck. The idea of just ending one week and starting another a fresh is lovely to me, and if I'm out Sunday evening, I don't feel like I get that refreshed feeling on a Monday!
Here are some things that I like to do on a Sunday evening that just makes me Monday Morning ready.

Tidy Your Room
I always talk about how a tidy room is an instant mood lifter, but seriously, if you wake up on a Monday and can't find anything for your day, you're not gonna be happy. A tidy room, a tidy mind! Also, fresh sheets. Seriously. Do it.

Have a Pamper
I like to have a lovely bath and just lie back. I get bored though so I like to watch YouTube videos in the bath, it's nice to just zone out and watch some vlogs. Sundays are the days that the Michalaks upload their vlog, so I love watching them!

Watch a Film
Your weekend isn't officially over until Monday, so I like to lounge around and watch a film. The jobs I need to do can wait until the morning! Do something that is considered "lazy" on a weekday, but acceptable on the weekend!

Have Good Food
Me and my family all have a nice night in and we watch some trashy TV or film, and eat. Usually it's an Indian takeaway. I know, very nutritious, but I feel like you can eat loads of nice foods on a Sunday before you try and be healthy for a new week.

Plan Your Week
I don't know about you, but I'm the worst for liking to look forward to things. So on a Sunday night, I write in Sprinkle of Glitter's 2016 diary, all the things I'm doing and check when I'm free to do some fun things. Always good to have a work/play balance.

I'm a very much "Tomorrow is a new day" kind of girl. So fresh weeks just make it even better!

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