Saturday 6 September 2014

Spontaneous? I think so!

Hello! So much to you guys' surprise, I suffer with anxiety. It's not something I want to get into unless you want me to explain in detail, let me know!
I'm not good with going out of my comfort zone at all. And already this month, I have done that.
I feel like September is going to be an amazing month as I am going on holiday with my friend tomorrow night! Me and my friend made the spontaneous decision 10 days ago to go on a little get away to Majorca in Spain! More travel posts to come woohoo!
Also, I have gone ombré!
This is something I've wanted to do for a while and I'm so happy I made the decision to get that blonde on! I will be doing a full ombré haircare routine and detailed post on what they did to my hair to get it the way it is within the next week!
Awful lighting :( (bad blogger)

How's your September been so far?

P.s. No august favourites this month I'm afraid! Not found anything spectacular but September is looking great product wise already :)

-K x

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