Thursday 28 July 2016

Wales' One Week Of Summer

Wales has just overcome a massive heatwave to which the temperatures hit 37 degrees Celsius, if that's not even hot for you please be quiet, it very rarely hits 22 in Wales. To make the most of the weather I did a variety of things! 

These photos were taken yesterday, don't be fooled by the clouds. It was still hot, but if you can't spend your Monday feeding ducks with a three year old, how can you?

Me and my best friend Georg decided to go out for some Summer drinks and ended up in town somehow! Still a lovely night nonetheless. 

This is a special day. Me and my grandma, after we had gone for afternoon tea to celebrate her 90th birthday <3

Me and some work friends decided to head out on the hottest day of the year and spend it by the riverbank, we ended up being too hot so headed up to work and spent it under the trees! That night we ended up going out to a quiz that we do every Tuesday :)

Me and my family headed out to a park to have a picnic, the little boy is my godson/cousin's little boy! This was the day before the heatwave and we had no idea what temperature it would be. Jeans was a bad idea. 

This was one of my favourite nights. Me and the work girls headed to the races where we live, we won a bit of money and then watched Peter Andre, so so funny!

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