Tuesday 15 December 2015

Five Ways To Stay Kind Of Healthy at Christmas

It's here. The time of year that we all forget about the bikini bodies and the shorts we may fit into, and we focus on oversized jumpers and how many chocolates we can consume without feeling sick. I embrace this time, I'm usually the first one buying the big tin of chocolates! But, this year, I saw something on instagram and it said, "Summer Bodies are made in Winter." Now I know, we shouldn't be worrying about our weight and I'm not saying "Don't eat chocolate. Eat celery." I'm just thinking, maybe I shouldn't lose my gym mojo just because it's the time the advent calendars come out. 

1. Exercise in the morning.
Now I've had this debate with a lot of people. But honestly, if you wake up early and go to the gym. It's done, it's out of the way, you can do all the Christmassy things you like for the rest of the day. Last year, I went to the gym on Christmas Eve. Yeah, I know. 

2. Go on Walks
I loooooove Winter walks. What's better than putting on a cosy coat, hat and some wellies and heading into the forest? It destresses you, gets you away from social media and gets you fresh air and some exercise. All while you crazily jumped in puddles!

3. Have a good meal a day.
I get that most people have a lot of junk food snacks throughout the day. What if, it got to lunch and you thought "Hey, why don't I have a stir fry for lunch?" You have your stir fry with your veg, and then it's kind of unlikely you'll have enough to fit in that extra piece of apple pie, when you've had such a filling meal. Am I even making sense? It's 10:12pm.

4. Drink plenty of water.
Christmas is the time for the parties. And I know if you're over the legal age of consuming alcohol in your country, some of us will like to enjoy a glass of wine or nine. Even if you're younger and you drink lots of Coca Cola, make sure you're getting that water in. I know this tip is always being mentioned, but there's a reason for that. It works! The amount of health benefits you can get from drinking just a few glasses a day, it will have you pumped to put that tree up!

5. Catch up on sleep. 
A funny one, but this helps your brain a lot. We're recommend seven to nine hours sleep a night, and in the Winter, when there are longer nights it is the perfect time to get those hours in. So catch up on those hours you've missed from going to bed so late in those Summer nights! Quick fact, sleep actually improves memory. That means you won't forget to get a certain someone their Christmas present!

Just remember that your body is your temple, look after it! 
But also eat those mince pies. Before I do. 

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