Monday 2 May 2016

Happy 20.5th Birthday To Me!

I am a November baby, which means technically when I'm writing this, I am 20 and a half years old. As my next birthday is a bit of a milestone, I would like to turn 21 with a few things under my belt.

(My 20th birthday cake, woohoo!)

1. Go to the gym at least two, maybe three times a week. I do do this quite a bit but some weeks I only do like one half an hour session, which aint too good. 

2. Eat more healthily. By this I mean, to stop eating takeaways and eating out as much.

3. Visit my grandma as much as I can. I do this anyway, but I'd like to see her even more.

4. Go on walks. I'm a stressed person in general, my moods are very mixed and I find walks are so therapeutic, I want to go on more. 

5. Following on from number 4, I'd like to go on walks around my area. I live in a town in Wales where there are forests, fields, and all that jazz, basically surrounding me. I'd love to explore a bit more!

6. Try more foods. I'm very stuck in my own ways, I know what I like and that's what I order. I think I should probably try some different things for sure!

7. Be more open to things. This is just a general thing, be it saying yes to going out or just being a bit more open-minded about people. 

8. Adapt a sense of style. I don't really have a "style." I'd love to be like Blair Waldorf, Cher from Clueless or even Freddy Cousin Brown! 

9. Blog more. I went through a stage at the start of the year where I blogged so much and I've lost the inspiration, I definitely think the summer will give me more blog ideas!

10. Swim more. I'm a lifeguard and a swimming teacher so my life basically revolves around the pool. I'd love to swim and improve my technique more as I really do enjoy swimming. 

11. Be open in University. I'm going to University in September, just two months before my 21st, and I hope that I make friends and gain more confidence through my course.

12. Sort my makeup collection. I love makeup as much as the next girl, but I think my collection is a bit excessive as one girl can't use thaaaat much. I would love to sell things on, or give it to friends and family. I just need to be brave and get rid, haha.

13. Declutter my wardrobe. The same as my makeup collection, I have a lot of clothes. But if I love a piece, I will wear it quite a bit. I also buy things and don't wear them because I'm not brave enough. Get a grip, Katie!

14. Get rid of people that aren't good for me. Unfortunately, I have a few of these in my life right now, who purely just don't get me and aren't willing to try and understand things in my life. Crappy people.

15. Maintain a good relationship with my sister. Me and my big sister are very close in age, we're a year and a 11 months apart so we do clash a lot. That's expected. But since we're now 20 and 22, we get on quite a bit better and I'd like to maintain that. 

16. Visit London. I've only been to London, like twice? And I really would love to go and again and just explore. I want to shop, and go to a show and visit the landmarks!

17. Spend less time in bed. Kind of a funny one, I mean that if I don't have anything planned that day. I will stay in bed all day and do NOTHING. This can be good sometimes, but I feel like I should plan things, or go out for a walk or help around the house.

18. Work my ass off in Uni. I know I will, I know 100%. But I just hope that I can work at my job, be in uni, see my family and friends and maintain a good University grade. I'm determined to be a great student!

19. Be more independent. Since buying a car three weeks ago, I now already feel much more independent. But I'd love to be able to do things and just not feel self-conscious. I also hate phone calls, complaining or just be an adult so I hope I can do more of these things. 

20. Focus on me. Remember, that I'm in charge of my own happiness. Not anybody else's, or they're not in charge of mine.

21. Remember I'm only young. 20/21 is a young age. It's nothing compared to some people, and I need to remember that I can go out and party, make mistakes and be a young adult. I don't want to rush into my 30s just yet!

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