Saturday 13 February 2016

Preparing for a University Interview

Recently, I made a post stating I was applying for University. I sent my application off on the 13th of January, got an email on the 20th stating I needed an interview, went for my interview on the 1st of Feb. Got an offer there and then, and got an email through an hour after I left, confirming my offer.
I read every single post there was on university interviews, what they would ask, what I would wear, how to prepare. Basically, you name it, I read it. But I figured I would answer it all in my one post, and give realistic tips on prepping for an interview! 

1. Read about the University
One of the main things they want to know is, "Why us?" and honestly, that's an easy one to answer. For example, One of my universities, was in Cheltenham. So I explained, that I'd had friends that studied there that enjoyed it and that it was close to home. They like it aswell when you mention what sort of things you're looking forward to doing there, extracurricular things they love!

2. Why do you want to do it?
Simple, easy but one of the hardest questions to get a correct answer I think. For this, I would just think of one valid point and just expand. Don't list a million reasons, list one point, explain and bam, nailed it.

3. Work Experience
My course didn't really expect you to have work experience, but if you have any experience, or situations that applies to the course. Throw it in, it may earn you some extra brownie points!

4. Try and be the first to answer
A part of my interview process was a question and answer sort of thing in a group, it was very informal yet formal at the same time. He asked if we had any questions, and because I didn't, we had a brief beforehand about the course and I understood it well enough, I answered his questions first.
So it was a 'okay you don't have any questions, but how do your answers go?' basically, show you're keen!

5. Be nice to the other interviewees.
In our interview, we were all together for majority of it. The interviewers said to not see eachother as competition, because there was no need to be. Regardless of that, you still think you are in a bit of competition. But be nice! They want someone that is going to nice for their university, so making conversation, holding doors open and just being generally nice can make your interview experience that bit less stressful! Also, this goes without question, be reaaaally nice to the interviewer, I helped mine pack his things away and he was very appreciative! 

6. Research what sort of questions you may be asked.
The Student Room is essentially loads of wanna be, current and past students all giving advice and discussing universities. I found a discussion on what sort of questions you could be asked, I was only asked one of them but they are especially helpful to prepare you for those tricky questions!

7. Keep calm. 
I know, easier said than done. You should've seen me before my interview, I was a wreck, shaking, moody, couldn't eat or drink. Although I did have a big breakfast so please do that. My University said it was more an interview for them, to see if they were right for us, rather than the other way around. Treat it like that, they need to be right for you! Drink lots of water, and just remain calm. 

So there's a few tips for you, please feel free to leave any questions below on the interviews, I'd be more than happy to help you out. :) 

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