Saturday 2 January 2016

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016.

2015 was a massive whirlwind for me. It was the worst year for me yet, having losing a close friend and my grandad falling ill. But there were some really good moments like one of my best friend's getting married, and her hen do. Going to Birmingham to see Ariana Grande, seeing One Direction live, going on holiday with another best friend and with my family. But there's a few things I'm trying to do in 2016 that I think will massively benefit me.

1. Think Positive. I'm sure I'm one of the most negative people out there, and I have no idea why. I think the worst will happen in each situation. I think the fact I'm a massive worrier doesn't help much, but I'm definitely going to start thinking the best in situations.

2. Stand up for myself more. I'm a pushover, I admit it. I let people walk all over me, and I shouldn't. I need to think of myself rather than other people sometimes. I saw a post the other day about things that everyone should do more in 2016, and one of those things was saying no and not explaining. If I don't want to go somewhere, chances are, I either will or I'll make an excuse. Why can't I just say no? 

3. Spend less time on social media. I think this is one of everyone's this year, I spend so much time online. That isn't always a negative thing, but I need to get off Twitter sometimes and actually go out. I'm already seeing improvements from my mood from staying off of Facebook for a bit!

There are other generic things, drink more water, eat healthily, go to the gym. But those are tiny aspects, I'm determined to be strong this year mentally, rather than physically!

Below are my favourite pictures from 2015. Bye Two Thousand and Fifteen!

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