Monday 7 March 2016

Helpful Tips To Get You Out of a Rut

Recently the past six months of my life, have been awful. Things have been crap in majority aspects, and I have admitted defeat many a times. I failed my driving test TWICE, my grandad passed away, work has been a nightmare etc. So these are the things I like to after I've consumed loads of chocolate, slept loads, gone through one too many boxes of tissues.

Tidy Room, Tidy Mind. 
I did this today. My room was hideously disgusting, you couldn't move in it! So I tidied it all up, got fresh bed sheets on, and made it smell good. I already feel so much better haha.

Pamper Yourself
Whether that be getting your nails, hair or a spa treatment done, or simply just taking that little bit longer in the morning to get ready. If I look ready, I feel ready to take on the world.

100% works. Get yourself out of bed early in the morning, grab a friend or go alone and get exercising. I love going to the gym in the morning with my best friend, it's a great way for us to catch up and chat while doing something good for us at the same time. Oh my god great idea, sweat out all your stress and then have a pamper. Combination of the two. Bam.

Surround Yourself with Friends
And by friends, I mean the people who will actually support you. Not the ones that just want to be your friend when you're happy and jolly, the ones that want to be your friends regardless of what you're feeling. Just pour your heart out, and if you're like me, and you don't share your feelings (naughty us) just go out for food with them and just chat!

Do Something That Makes You Happy. 
I need to remember this. I enjoy swimming, going to the gym, going for walks, blogging etc. If I'm sad, I like to go and do one of these things and I sort of feel like I escape from my thoughts because I'm concentrating on something else. I feel like films don't do that for me because I don't fully concentrate, I find it hard to concentrate on things, so if I'm manually doing it, it's much better.

Fix What Makes You Unhappy
This can't always apply, but if it applies, do it. Recently, I found that I was dreading doing something. So I made the decision to give it up, and already a weight has been lifted off of my shoulder. If you're putting something off, just do it. It'll make you feel so much lighter!

I hope whatever is making you unhappy, gets better soon. I know it's hard and I need to remind myself of this too, but it does get better!

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